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Error Code -36
The Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in "smb://storage" could not be read or written. (Error code -36)
If you get the above error message, use the IP address instead of STORAGE. See following steps:
- Login through your web browser.
- Under SMB Server, make sure the folder you want to access is in the Sharing List. For example, the PUBLIC folder without a password.
- Go to IP Config, make sure it is set to Automatic IP and write down the IP address you see there.
- Go to your Finder and select Go/Connect to Server
- Type smb://IP/PUBLIC and hit Connect. For the IP use the IP address you wrote down in step 3, for PUBLIC use the name of the folder you added to the Sharing List in step 2.
- If the LAN disk is connected directly to your computer using the Ethernet cable, the default IP address is